Top 10 Powerful Words of Marketing

Top 10 words used in marketing campaigns to move the reader.

Most people by now know that words have power. Words can move us and transform us from one emotional state to another in an instant. Think of a word that would upset you and how fast you would be emotionally charged hearing it or a nice word making you feel great such as love, beauty, or safety.

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Words are chosen with the upmost care in marketing to convey precise messages to the reader who is having the experience. Words are carefully chosen in company names and slogans as well as other forms of media. Marketing professionals will most of the time be very conscious of their decision making when it comes to words.

The same holds true for words you use in any marketing campaigns you create. Consider your words carefully when creating marketing pieces for your company. Otherwise, it will cost you! Online changes and edits tend to be less expensive but traditional marketing after it has gone to print can be very expensive.

Top 10 Powerful Words of Marketing:











These words have been used throughout history in marketing and hold great power in their meanings. Some companies have made great use of them in combination with a great product or service. After all, the best formula for success is still providing excellent service with excellent words to illustrate it.