Law Of Attraction Success How To Meditate To Manifest Your Desires

By Alan Cheng

The success in using the law of attraction depends largely on how you think. Your mind creates your future because it determines your actions. Your thoughts send out vibrations to the Universe which will manifest your desires – which is basically the law of attraction. The best way to improve your thoughts is by meditation.

Just like the majority of the population, the way you think is affected by the environment you’re in. When you read about accidents, scandals and tragedies, your emotions are strongly affected by it.

When you hear news about the economy recession, stock market crash and the increase in unemployment, what do you think about?

You’ll be thinking about the security of your job, whether you’ll get sacked or not and how you’re going to pay your bills if you lose your job. This negative thinking could last for months.

It’s even worse when you hang around with friends who talk about it all the time and exaggerate the situation. This is exactly the opposite of what the law of attraction is about. You’re attracting things into your life that you don’t want.

It’s very important that you guard your thoughts and don’t let negative things penetrate it. When you’re worried and think about the things that you don’t want, you affect your emotions.

Your feelings are the strongest vibration you send out to the Universe. If it’s a feeling of sadness, doom and gloom – then that is what you will attract into your life.


There are two ways to conquer this:

1. Stay away of pessimistic people. Avoid reading negative stories. Instead hang around people with a positive, can-do attitude.

2. Practice meditation. This is the art of relaxing your body and mind, and using it to effectively attract what you want in life.

So how do you meditate? It’s not as hard as it sounds and it’s definitely not as freaky as most people portray it to be.

Here are the steps on how to meditate and make the law of attraction work for you.

Step By Step on How to Meditate

1. Wake up 30 minutes earlier in the morning. Close your eyes, make yourself comfortable and continue to lie in bed.

2. Don’t think about anything. Don’t worry about what you have to do for the day or the bills you have to pay.

3. Focus on how relaxing and comfortable you are in bed. Enjoy the bliss and tell yourself that you’re going to enjoy these next 30 minutes. Only focus on these thoughts.

4. After 10 minutes of doing this you should feel very relaxed, happy and calm. It’s as if you’re in paradise. Your next step is to think about the end result of what you desire.

If you want more money, imagine that you got the job promotion in your company, you’re telling your family that you’re going on a luxurious holiday together or that you’ve fully paid your mortgage.

You don’t need to think about how you’re getting the money but just the end result of fulfilling your desire.

5. Every time you meditate, think about the same scene that you’re imagining. With repeat practice, these thoughts will become more real to you.

6. Enjoy how you feel when you imagine that you’ve reached your goals and be thankful that the law of attraction is working in your life.

7. Get out of bed with a smile on your face, knowing that you have set the law of attraction to work for the rest of the day.

This is all there is to meditation. This exercise will clear your mind, put you in a happy mood and get you excited for the whole day.

Practice meditating in the morning and do it every day if possible. It will change your future and attract the things you want in your life. Your next step is to read more on the law of attraction and learn how to implement it so that you’ll manifest your desires quickly.

About the Author: To learn how to implement the law of attraction and manifest what you want, visit For more self-help information visit


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