Get The Scoop On Acid Reflux Before It S Too Late!

Get the Scoop on Acid Reflux Before it s Too Late!



Acid reflux, also known as GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) is a condition that develops when stomach acids seep back into the esophagus and cause a lot of discomfort. People often use the term heartburn because of the burning sensation caused during acid reflux. Before we discus the triggering factors, let s take a look at some causes and symptoms of acid reflux.

Acid Reflux Causes:


Spicy food





Large meals

Side effects of certain medications


Lying down immediately after eating

Carbonated drinks


Acid Reflux Symptoms:




Difficulty in swallowing



Chest pain

Sore throat

Wheezing cough

Triggers for Acid Reflux:

Spicy Food: Hot and spicy food that contains a lot of chilies and pepper triggers acid reflux and causes burning in the stomach. Excess consumption of garlic and onions is also known to trigger acid reflux in some people.

Acidic Foods: Foods which are acidic in nature act as triggers for acid reflux and should be avoided. Fruits that have acid content include tomatoes, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, tangerines, peaches, plums, limes and pineapple. Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli may also cause gas and acid reflux.

Meat: It is difficult for the stomach to digest meat in general. Meats like pork and beef create more acid as compared to chicken, fish and turkey. It is best to consume lean poultry and fish, and restrict the intake of red meats like beef and pork.

Alcohol: Alcohol increases the gastric levels in the body and results in acid reflux. It also dehydrates the body.

Carbonated Beverages: Carbonated drinks are aerated and this increases the pressure level in the stomach, which in turn leads to an increase in stomach acids. Hence, avoid carbonated beverages.

Caffeine: Caffeine increases the secretion of the gastric acid in the stomach. Those who drink a lot of tea and coffee often experience acid reflux. Hence, restrict the intake of caffeine.

Processed Foods: Foods that contain artificial colors and preservatives are known to increase the acid production in the stomach and trigger acid reflux. Hence, avoid or restrict the consumption of processed foods.

Treating Acid Reflux:

Treatment for acid reflux involves the use of home remedies and medications. In minor cases, one can get relief by using over the counter antacids. However, in severe cases of acid reflux, doctors prescribe medications like proton pump inhibitor drugs and H2 blockers.

Drugs like Nexium (


) are often prescribed for treating GERD. Nexium belongs to the group of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors, which block the production of acid in the stomach. Other conditions for which doctors prescribe


include Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and stomach and duodenal ulcers.

In order to prevent acid reflux, it is essential to avoid the factors that can trigger it. Also, finding out the root cause of the disease and making healthy diet and lifestyle changes will help you treat as well as stay clear of this disorder.

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