Finstagram And Buying Likes, Views And Followers On Instagram Yay Or Nay?}

Submitted by: Troy Mueller

Finstagram for once, lets get real

A few months ago Instagram released an update allowing users to have more than one account with and easy way to switch between them. With that came a new trend over the horizon finstagram. In a nutshell, it is a fake Instagram account where one can post real photos unedited, not so picture-perfect, unpolished stuff. The ones you might not have posted on the main account (which is now dubbed Rinsta btw) because they, well, were too ugly, silly or stupid. So, how likable is this idea?

With a Finsta, you only add your dearest friends or even complete strangers depending on which route you take. That way the people you share your often hilariously raw, ugly selfies with wont care. They either know you too well, or dont know well enough, to care. Try exploring the #finsta hashtag, youll see what we mean.

Thats right, many older users are rather insecure about how they are perceived online. So instead of hanging their real self on the line in front of all their acquaintances. Theyre using a fake Instagram account to grow a following by being who they truly are, where try to avoid connecting with anyone they know. Not surprisingly, these accounts often becoming more popular then their real Instagram accounts because their usually unaware at how awesome they really are!

There is also another ways to grow your Instagram account. For example, you can buy likes, views and followers.

Hows buying likes and video views going to help me get real followers?

Firstly, this will drastically increase the chance of your account being featured in the Top tab (aka Popular or Discover). This will mean more people will see your content every time they tap that Search button, which is key to building exposure a key metric when it comes to attracting followers.

Secondly, people like what other people like. Newcomers to your gallery will be more inclined to follow you if they see that your content is already popular among other people. Comments that we add for free to every like/views package we sell are guaranteed to make your account look lively and fun.

You can use the Likeattack service to buy likes, views and followers.

Every like and video view it provides comes from active accounts which themselves behave the way people on Instagram do. Mind that Likeattack is the only service out there offering automated views for your videos not just likes, so you wont have this gap in numbers indicating that some of your activity is purchased. Its as organic and natural as it gets.

Bottom line

Taking everything into consideration the idea of Finstagram kills the annoying and often stressful element of Instagram, which is social status. Being forever cautious not to reveal something that might have you judged in a negative way. Although having a Finsta does mean spending more time on social media with the two Instagram accounts.

Whether have a Finsta account or buy likes and followers, it’s up to you to decide!

About the Author: Likeattack service offers likes and views that come from active accounts which behave the way people on Instagram do. With

you’ll get a 100 free likes and 100 video views trial, which you will be able to add to the old posts of yours or to the new posts in automatic mode.


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